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The OSS and the African Sports Centre (ASC) recently hosted a knowledge sharing webinar with a number of individuals involved in sport from across African continent.


ASC became a global partner of the OSS earlier this year, and whilst this was the first event hosted between the OSS and one of its global partners, we aim to continue growing our global network with the aims to increase knowledge and experiences between partner organisations. The webinar focussed on sharing insights around evidence based sports advocacy, the issues of school and community sport, and the impact of covid-19 on community activity.

OSS staff also presented to the African sports leaders on how the OSS builds and conducts research projects and collects evidence, how to engage with stakeholders, and strategies around communication and advocacy. Following the event, the African sports leaders spoke of how beneficial and informative they had found the event, and how they would take the topics discussed forward into their own work, and looked forward to follow up events.

Prince Narkortu Teye, founder and CEO of the African Sports Centre spoke about the benefits of sport and research: “Talking of the power of sport, it is important that sport people make the strongest of steps in their quest to impact humanity, and in this, the relevance of data, research and science in general cannot be underestimated.”

The OSS welcomes any opportunities to increase our global partnerships with sports organisations worldwide, if you are interested get in touch with OSS CEO, David Ferguson –