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The OSS has signed up a leading Scottish retail property firm GSS Developments as we continue to widen understanding of how sport and recreation can be developed across society.

The engagement of business is crucial to developing opportunities for activity, from traditional sports venues to town and city centres, from schools to private venues, and GSS Developments has significant insight to the Scottish retail property sector.

Paul Stevenson, GSS Developments, said: “GSS Developments are delighted to support the Observatory for Sport in Scotland as a Corporate Partner.  GSS Developments and OSS have shared values in addressing the deepening crisis in community sport and recreation throughout Scotland.  With childhood obesity at record highs, the work OSS carry out, both in research and energising implementation, is essential to achieve a more active nation.  If higher levels of participation in sport, across all communities and levels, can be ignited, a more positive trajectory will result.”

David Ferguson, OSS CEO, said: “We have been developing a wider network of people and organisations across business, and people are coming to us with real insight and experience around the wider opportunities for developing sport, leisure and recreation, and access to community facilities. As well as funding our research work, which is key to building data, evidence and insights, GSS Developments and all of our corporate partners bring real experience and expertise from different sectors of society that can help those developing and delivering community sport as we move forward.”