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Constitution, Strategy, Annual Report and Terms of Reference

OSS Governance Documentation

The Observatory for Sport in Scotland (OSS) is a charity dedicated to helping communities to increase and widen sport participation to help reverse trends of declining activity, particularly for vulnerable people of all ages and abilities. The OSS proactively champions ethical behaviour and seeks to reflect and apply our charitable values in any activity we undertake, in addition to meeting our legal and regulatory requirements.

The OSS seeks to:

  • Respect every individual’s dignity and rights to privacy and confidentiality;
  • Commit to challenging any instances of sexism, gender inequality and other power imbalances that leave some people at risk of harm; and
  • Value and improve diversity in our workforce and volunteers.

The following documents set out our strategic approach, financial affairs and ethical principles in more detail and the Terms of Reference for the sub-committees that help us to deliver our strategic objectives, and seek to ensure full transparency and understanding of the OSS. Should you have any questions about the OSS, please contact us.