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People with disabilities being penalised for being active
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Independent Support To The Community Sports Sector
Think events and publications
OSS hosts events and publishes papers from sports academics on subjects ranging from sport and social inequality, sports for the future, quantifying the benefits of sports participation and gender diversity in sport and how this impacts governance, infrastructures, practices and participation in Scotland.
Policy and Practice recommendations
OSS focuses research on areas of importance for Scottish sports policy and engages stakeholders across sport and business to support policy and practice recommendations.
Knowledge Exchange and Forums
OSS has academic, stakeholder, business leader and local community forums. Our knowledge exchange is about sharing new thinking and bringing people across the sports sector together to hear and exchange evidence, analysis and ideas that are key for informing best policy and practice developments.
Evidence and analysis
OSS is independent of any political party and raises funds as a charity to enable objectivity in the evidence and analysis that it commissions and collates.
International Benchmarking
OSS is inspired by and gets support from partner organisations the Mulier Institute in the Netherlands and the Danish Institute of Sports Studies (IDAN). Both provide objective, independent, evidence and analysis to their sports sector to ensure policy making is informed and effective.
OSS conducts research into sports participation in Scotland and areas of interest for the sector and shares this with stakeholders in order to advance evidence-led decision making and effectiveness in sports policy and practice.
Thought Piece from Charlie Raeburn for Reform Scotland