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The Covid impact on your jogging – good or bad?

By 11 January 2021No Comments

How has the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown changed the nation’s enthusiasm for and attitude to jogging?

That is the question being asked by University of West of Scotland student Evans Mukora (above), who is in his final year of a Sports & Science Honours degree, and is a keen jogger, footballer and basketball player and coach. Evans is encouraging everyone who used to jog but stopped, or has taken up jogging at any time during the past year, to take part in his survey as part of a dissertation project. As a result of closures and restrictions, we have seen widespread disruption of routines, lifestyles and behaviours in many adults, all of which may have disrupted the ability to go out for a run. Evans is interested in whether the restrictions have led to positive or negative impact. So, did it lead you to adopt a new jogging/running regime, did you stop altogether or have you exploited the extra time to take up jogging?

Please click on the link below – the survey should take between 5 and 10 minutes.