OSS Manifesto gains media traction
The OSS launched its first Sport Manifesto for the Scottish Elections 2021 harnessing views and opinions form across the Scottish landscape, and it has sparked great discussion and debate in the media.
The Scotsman Editor Euan McGrory is a passionate advocate of sport activity and got on board with the OSS to stimulate discussion around the first ask of government, to lead a ‘National Conversation on the Role of Sport in Society’. This has led to more than 12 articles to date creating platforms for a wide range of OSS partners to discuss issues affecting sport participation. This has involved over 20 different people and organisations, from Age Scotland to Scottish Women in Sport, Spartans FC to the Scottish Association of Teachers of PE and Community Leisure UK to mental health charities.
Further articles will feature a look at the boom in people returning to the outdoors through the pandemc, and how organisations such as Mountaineering Scotland and Outdoor Education bodies are aiming to build on this; Martin Gilbert turns his attention to how business and sport can work together to achieve mutual goals; and we hear from the Dutch Government on hown their approach to engaging all partners nationally and locally has led to more engaged and sustainable sport activity across the country.
Please join us as we develop plans for a National Conversation series throughout 2021-22 that will engage widely across sectors in Scotland, from health to education, and the public, private and the third sectors, and tell us what areas you would like us to turn the spotlight on and who you would like to hear from.
OSS Manifesto 2021
Thought Piece from Charlie Raeburn for Reform Scotland