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The OSS is an independent charitable organisation that relies on a wide range of support from individuals, trusts and foundations, corporate bodies and other stakeholders who share our passion for improving the health and wellbeing of Scotland's population.
The OSS was launched in 2016 by a group of passionate ‘Founder Funders’ and we remain indebted to those individuals and companies contributing major donations to core and research support. We have widened our supporter base to enable people to join the OSS from as little as £10, share views and contribute to the 'National Conversation on Sport's Role in Society' with leading figures from across health, education, business, sport and politics.
Your experience helps us to understand the challenges we face and shape solutions that enable everyone in society to experience the physical, mental and social benefits of sport.

Donate Now
Supporter level
Annual contribution or one-off donation

  • Website attribution
  • Invitations to general events and forums
  • Monthly news and research updates

As Bronze, plus

  • Invitations to roundtables with OSS Research Director, UK and European writers of research papers, politicians, business leaders and sports men and women
  • Invitations to annual Thank You Dinner

As Silver, plus

  • Private briefings on research and policy recommendations
  • Opportunity to host OSS events and invite your guests
  • Guest at annual conference

Partner level
Annual contribution for three years

  • Website, publications and event attribution
  • Interested staff invited to engage with ‘Think’ Events and Forums
  • Regular communications

As Bronze, plus

  • Invitations to roundtables with OSS Research Director, UK and European writers of research papers, politicians, business leaders and sports men and women
  • Invitations to annual Thank You Dinner

As Silver, plus

  • Private in-office briefings on research and policy recommendations
  • Opportunity to host OSS events and invite your guests
  • Guest at annual conference

Join the OSS community today

To speak to us and learn more email CEO David Ferguson at:

Cheques can be made payable to ‘The Observatory for Sport in Scotland’ and posted to OSS, 11 Pinnaclehill Park, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 8HA.

You can make a regular or one-off payment via bank transfer directly to OSS at:

Co-operative Bank

Observatory for Sport in Scotland

Sort code: 08-92-99

Account no: 65826562

“Sport has the power to change the world”

Nelson Mandela